It’s no secret that being a mom is a tough job on its own. Working moms are an entirely different type of superhero! Did you know thatat least 76% of the healthcare workforce consists of women, many of which are mothers? That’s more than ¾ of all healthcare workers. 

In honor of Mother’s Day, here is a collection of tips you can easily incorporate at your facility to support the hard-working moms on your team.  

Encourage a Sense of Community in the Workplace

Community within the workplace is crucial to evoke a sense of belonging. This sense of belonging can elevate both the drive to perform and the dedication to a career. That’s a pretty big deal! For women, a strong community embodies support among peers when things are challenging. As an employer, host programs or activities that reinforce and nourish this sense of community—celebrating birthdays and anniversaries or providing a platform for employees to share their success stories are just a few ideas you can easily incorporate. Strengthening the workplace community and building people up may be just what you need to satisfy employees and, as a bonus, boost productivity. 

Coordinate a Peer-to-Peer Mentorship Program for Mothers  

It’s always comforting to know you’re not alone when facing challenges. Women in the workplace or new moms can genuinely benefit from having successful female leaders with a similar background mentor them. Peer-to-peer mentorship programs can provide working mothers more confidence to excel. Working to empower female leaders by providing a place where they can share ideas, discuss challenges and obstacles, and even just connect will go a long way!   

Be Accommodating and Flexible Where Important  

The work-life balance for mothers can be incredibly challenging. Research indicates that most mothers work outside of the home and take on household duties, equivalent to ~2.5 full-time jobs.   

To support these moms: 

  • Work toward being accommodating and flexible  
  • Make it possible for mothers to have access to personal time when needed or schedule adjustments when necessary 
  • For new moms returning to work, offer flexibility for them to check in on their baby

Communicate Available Resources and Benefits 

Mothers within your workforce need direct access to available company resources. While setting up programs to support working mothers and prospective women leaders is terrific, these programs are not effective if your employees don’t know they are available. Just as it can be easy to miss the occasional email, it can be easy for company perks to get overlooked or forgotten. Ensure that all resources and benefits are effectively communicated to all team members and make sure employees understand their value to the company.   

Moms are superstars at home and in the office. Don’t be afraid to express your appreciation for working moms in your workplace community this Mother’s Day!  

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