Dr. Maya Reed’s journey to becoming an OB/GYN began with a childhood dream of medicine and evolved into a rewarding career spanning over three decades. From her early aspirations to her decision to embrace locum tenens, Dr. Reed's story is one of passion, adaptability, and a lifelong commitment to patient care.

The Path to Becoming an OB/GYN

As a little girl, if you had asked Maya Reed what she wanted to be when she grew up, she would have confidently said, "A doctor." Even at just four years old, she spent her days pretending to be a physician, embracing the role she knew she was destined for. Fast forward to today, and Dr. Reed has been a dedicated OB/GYN physician for over three decades.

While her path to becoming a doctor was clear, the choice of specialty took a bit more time to unfold. Dr. Reed initially set her sights on internal medicine, but during her first year, she realized she’d love a specialty that involved more hands-on surgery. This led her to switch to an OB/GYN residency position in Buffalo, New York—a decision that would shape the rest of her career. "I wanted the surgical experience that OBGYN offered," she shared. "And once I started in OB/GYN, I knew this was where I was meant to be.".

Fulfillment in an OB/GYN Career

Over the last three decades, Dr. Reed has been deeply committed to her work as an OB/GYN, building a fulfilling career around her passion for patient care.

When asked what inspires her to keep practicing medicine each day, she said, “I love what I do. I don’t look at it as work at all, and although it often is very challenging and extremely stressful—especially when dealing with life and death-situations –I wouldn’t change it for anything. I love my patients. There is so much joy in helping them deliver their babies safely. There is so much satisfaction in helping them with their other non-pregnancy issues as well.”.

As a self-described people person, Dr. Reed finds that working as an OB/GYN uniquely allows her to connect with patients on a level that other medical specialties often do not. "You get to know your patients as their closest friends throughout their entire life journey. Sharing in their private lives – their joys and sorrows," she explained. "You are indirectly involved in their private lives, and you go through the ups and downs with your patients. Few specialties give you this close, long-lasting relationship.".

The Journey to OB/GYN Locums

For years, Dr. Reed was unfamiliar with the idea of working locum tenens. She spent most of her career working full-time at a private practice and as part of an OB hospitalist group. However, as Dr. Reed explained,The group’s schedule did not allow frequent stretches of time to be free to travel.”. This ultimately led to her decision to leave the group and pursue other job opportunities with more work-life balance, leading her to discover the benefits of working locum tenens OB/GYN jobs with Medicus.

Finding the Perfect Career Balance with OB/GYN Locums

The career freedom that locum tenens opportunities offer was exactly what Dr. Reed had been seeking within her career. She shared, "With locums, you have the flexibility of working on your own schedule and then have your own time to spend as you please.". The freedom has enabled Dr. Reed to align professional goals with personal priorities, achieving the work-life balance she'd been seeking. Dr. Reed shared, "For me, this has meant working 7-10 day stretches and having the rest of the time for my life and my family.". Moreover, her love for travel made a locum tenens career an ideal fit. "Locums give you the time to travel whenever you want to," Dr. Reed noted.

When asked about her favorite locum destination to date, Dr. Reed finds it challenging to choose just one. "It's very hard to say because I like every place for a different reason," she explained. “Some places I love because of their proximity to my home. Some places I love because I like to see new things and see what the places have to offer.".

Adapting to New OB/GYN Clinical Environments

One of the advantages of an OB/GYN locum tenens career is the ability to adapt to diverse clinical settings and seamlessly integrate into various healthcare teams. When asked about integrating into new teams, Dr. Reed shared valuable advice from her experience, "Every hospital is slightly different, so I try hard to accommodate and do things the way they want me to and help in any way I can.”.

Her extensive work experience has also made her proficient with various EMR systems, which helps her get up to speed quickly in new clinical environments. This proficiency, combined with her approach of aligning with each facility's protocols, ensures that she can start contributing effectively from day one.

Beyond the OB/GYN Office

When she is not working, Dr. Reed immerses herself in a variety of hobbies and passions. She loves to travel, but when she is home, she stays busy with different projects, including cooking, gardening, decorating, and painting. Plus, her home is often a lively hub of activity, filled with family and friends, where she takes joy in creating memorable experiences.

A Reminder to All in Medicine

With over three decades of experience in medicine, Dr. Reed leaves a powerful reminder to everyone working in healthcare: "This profession gives us life’s biggest privilege- that of helping and serving our patients and communities. It is an incredible blessing.”.

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