Nurse Practitioner Feature: Christine

November 18, 2022
For Nurse Practitioner’s Week, we are honored to highlight one of our long-time locum tenens psychiatric nurse practitioners.

Celebrating Nurse Practitioner Week 2022

November 11, 2022
National Nurse Practitioner Week, November 13-19, is an annual celebration recognizing the incredible contributions of NP professionals.

Anesthesiology Transition Project - Converting From an Outsourced Model to an Employed Program

November 01, 2022
A hospital in MA with a Level II Trauma Center partnered with Medicus to make the change from an outsourced model to an employed program.

2022 Primary Care Trends for Physicians and Advanced Practitioners

October 24, 2022
Staffing shortages, burnout, and telehealth are among the leading healthcare trends impacting primary care physicians and advanced practitioners.

Locum Tenens Hospitalist Success

October 19, 2022
A large, not-for-profit hospital system in Atlanta faced issues with their growing Hospitalist program.

New England Facility Increases Trauma Designation

October 19, 2022
A Level III Trauma Center in southern New Hampshire was seeking a specialized team of physicians to increase their trauma designation.

Healthcare Market Report | Q4 2022

October 18, 2022
Locum tenens has the brightest outlook for expected growth in 2022 and 2023. For the latest locum tenens news and trends, check out the Q4 Medicus Healthcare Market Report.

Physician Feature: Locum Tenens Anesthesiologist, Dr. H

October 14, 2022
Every locum tenens physician has a unique story. Today, let's get to know Dr. H, a full-time locum tenens Anesthesiologist. 

Celebrating PA Week

October 10, 2022
Medicus recognizes physician assistants this PA Week for the contributions they make to improve access to healthcare.

COVID-19 Transition Project for a Multi-State Urgent Care Organization

September 20, 2022
Urgent Care organization endeavored to launch the region’s largest COVID-19 testing program. Medicus delivered a staffing support project.

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