Navigating the Radiologist Shortage: Strategies for Meeting the Rising Demand in Healthcare

July 10, 2024
Gain valuable insights into the contributing factors of radiology's staffing shortages and effective solutions for navigating shortages - Download the full white paper today.

The Anesthesia Provider Shortage

June 03, 2024
Gain valuable insights into the anesthesia provider shortage, including the contributing factors, ways healthcare facilities can navigate it, and more.

Addressing The Impending Gastroenterologist Shortage

November 19, 2023
Gain insights into how an aging population, increased demand, and burnout are impacting the gastroenterologist shortage.

Provider Talent Scarcity: Bridging the Projected Physician Shortage with Locum Tenens

August 31, 2023
By 2034, the US could face a shortage of up to 124,000 physicians. Learn how locum tenens can help bridge the projected physician shortage, ensuring continuity of care.

Regaining Potential Lost Revenue with Locum Tenens

February 13, 2023
Strategically leveraging locum tenens physicians and APPs can directly increase patient volume and procedures a healthcare facility can offer.

How to Overcome Psychiatry Staffing Shortages

January 17, 2023
Locum Tenens Psychiatry Physicians and APPs could be a long-term solution for hospitals to staff depleted mental health departments.

Physician Vacancy: What Does it Cost Your Healthcare Facility?

December 16, 2022
Read our latest white paper on the cost of vacancy (COV), a measurement of the dollar amount an organization incurs when a position goes unfilled. Our estimates put the direct cost of physician vacancy at around half to one and half the annual compensation of the provider.

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