Anesthesiology Transition Project - Converting From an Outsourced Model to an Employed Program

November 01, 2022
A hospital in MA with a Level II Trauma Center partnered with Medicus to make the change from an outsourced model to an employed program.

Locum Tenens Hospitalist Success

October 19, 2022
A large, not-for-profit hospital system in Atlanta faced issues with their growing Hospitalist program.

New England Facility Increases Trauma Designation

October 19, 2022
A Level III Trauma Center in southern New Hampshire was seeking a specialized team of physicians to increase their trauma designation.

COVID-19 Transition Project for a Multi-State Urgent Care Organization

September 20, 2022
Urgent Care organization endeavored to launch the region’s largest COVID-19 testing program. Medicus delivered a staffing support project.

Stabilizing a Premier Level II Trauma Facility in Eastern Texas

August 12, 2022
A 236-bed, Level II trauma facility in eastern Texas received limited notice that their local orthopedic trauma group would be departing the program.

Outsourced to Employed Radiology Program for a Not-for-Profit Healthcare System in NJ

May 21, 2022
A large not-for-profit healthcare system in NJ partnered with Medicus to convert their Radiology and Anesthesia groups from an outsourced to employed program.

Metropolitan Group Launch Exceeds Expectations

May 21, 2022
A group out of NY managing 20 Hospital Medicine and ED contracts required a strategic partner to grow their portfolio of business and attract providers.

Emergency Medicine Outsourced Transition Project with New Hampshire Organization

May 01, 2022
Leaders of an outsourced group that had previously worked with Medicus Healthcare Solutions accepted accountability for the Emergency Medicine program.

Critical Care Unit Transition Project

April 21, 2022
A hospital in Pennsylvania engaged Medicus to provide a transition solution for the performance of its Critical Care Unit.

Outsourced Specialty Service Lines Converted to Employed Provider Programs

March 22, 2022
A health system in NJ partnered with Medicus to staff Anesthesia, Neurology, and Radiology programs, converting their staffing model from an outsourced to employed program.

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