Celebrating Nurse Practitioner Week 2022

November 11, 2022
National Nurse Practitioner Week, November 13-19, is an annual celebration recognizing the incredible contributions of NP professionals.

2022 Primary Care Trends for Physicians and Advanced Practitioners

October 24, 2022
Staffing shortages, burnout, and telehealth are among the leading healthcare trends impacting primary care physicians and advanced practitioners.

Physician Feature: Locum Tenens Anesthesiologist, Dr. H

October 14, 2022
Every locum tenens physician has a unique story. Today, let's get to know Dr. H, a full-time locum tenens Anesthesiologist. 

Celebrating PA Week

October 10, 2022
Medicus recognizes physician assistants this PA Week for the contributions they make to improve access to healthcare.

Insider Tips for a Smooth Medical Credentialing Process | Medicus

September 02, 2022
Five insider tips that will ensure a smooth medical credentialing process when working locum tenens in different medical facilities and states.

Top Reasons Why Physicians and Advanced Practitioners Should Consider Locum Tenens

August 10, 2022
Learn why healthcare providers are switching to locum tenens full-time or adding locum tenens to their permanent position.

The Benefits of Working at an Academic Medical Center 

July 21, 2022
Academic Medical Centers (AMC) may be the perfect place for your next locum tenens assignment! Read on to learn more.

Summer Work or Mini Vacations?

May 10, 2022
There are a variety of motivators for working locum tenens. Read on to discover our tips on how to have a mini-vacation this summer while on assignment.

International Women's Day

March 08, 2022
This month we recognize the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. Read on to hear from inspirational leaders in the medical field.

Meet The CRNA Dream Team

January 25, 2022
Meet Amber and Vincent, also known as the "CRNA Dream Team" and hear about their passion for providing patient-centered care.

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